Regardless of the industry or sector you’re in, there are four basic areas of security that every business should cover. Here’s what you need to know about them.
1. Burglar protection
A burglar alarm is essential for protecting your premises from unwanted intrusions and deterring thieves, vandals and trespassers. This is particular ly important if your operation stores valuable merchandise, uses expensive equipment or if you have dangerous or restricted products on site. In addition to an alarm, a good intruder detection system should include motion detectors, glass break detectors and video verification, which enables authorities to verify that an alarm was in fact triggered by an intruder, thus boosting response time
2. Video monitoring
Indoor CCTV and outdoor security cameras make up the second foundation of your commercial security. CCTV systems will allow you to monitor what goes on inside your property, which could prove invaluable in the event of a break-in. Outdoor cameras will serve a similar purpose while acting as a powerful deterrent for would-be burglars. Burglary alarms protect you from external risks, but video monitoring adds a layer of protection against internal ones.
3. Fire protection
Another internal threat is the risk of fire. While security and safety protocols are there to reduce the likelihood of a fire, it could still happen. Because of this, having a properly installed fire monitoring system is crucial to the integrity of your property as well as the safety of your employees and customers. Make sure that your fire monitoring system is working properly by setting up scheduled maintenance visits.
4. Access control systems
Managing who has access to what is an important aspect of ensuring that your business runs efficiently and that no valuable merchandise or information is accessed by people who aren’t cleared to do so. Access control through devices like keys, fobs and intercom systems will allow you to track the comings and goings of your employees, ensure nobody enters an area they aren’t supposed to and will provide valuable information should you find yourself dealing with theft or vandalism.
Calgary’s security professionals
At Guardian Security Solutions, we provide expert commercial intruder alarm, indoor security camera, fire monitoring and access control systems. We also provide lone worker monitoring systems and we serve clients in both Calgary and Lethbridge. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you make your business as secure as possible.