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Gardening tools

The thought of a burglar breaking into your gardening shed may not give you the same chill of terror as an intruder coming through your bedroom window. Still, your shed holds some big-ticket items. Here’s a guide to preventing the theft of your gardening tools, plus some precautions to give you a better shot at recovering stolen equipment.


How to prevent a break-in

Where do you store your gardening gear? Whether you keep it in your garage or a shed at the back of the yard, take these steps to keep burglars out of your space.

  • Invest in a locking system. Keep valuables under lock and key. Remember to lock up when you’re done in the yard for the day. Make a habit of checking the storage spaces at the end of each day.

  • Check the structure. You may love the rustic charm of your gardening shed. Just ensure the structure is sound enough to withstand a break-in attempt.

  • Keep expensive items out of sight. If your shed or garage has windows, don’t let them become an invitation to burglars. Store smaller tools inside closed cabinets and cover larger items with sheets or blankets. Consider adding frosting to your windows for more privacy.

  • Install security equipment. The mere presence of security cameras can provide a measure of deterrence against would-be burglars. Motion-activated lights and an alarm system should ensure they don’t make a second attempt.

Keeping communication open with your neighbours will give you an added layer of security when you’re not at home.


Improve the likelihood of recovering stolen property

Sometimes break-ins happen despite your best efforts. Taking these precautions will make your life easier if you do have your gardening gear stolen.

  • Tag your items with paint or permanent marker. A characteristic mark on each piece of equipment makes your property easier to spot. Identifiable markings also make your items less desirable for burglars; resellers will be reluctant to advertise it.

  • Check your insurance coverage. Review your home insurance policy to ensure it includes coverage for the contents of your garage or shed.

A little proactive effort can save you a lot of hassle down the line.


Smart security cameras and home alarm systems in Calgary and Lethbridge

Guardian Security Solutions is your trusted source for everything you need to keep your property secure. A member of our team will be happy to advise you on outdoor security cameras to update your video surveillance system, so you know what goes on in your yard when you’re not there. Contact Guardian Security Solutions today to speak with a home security expert in Lethbridge or Calgary.

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